Innovation Plan Outline

Innovation Plan Outline


In the CTE classroom, teachers are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to bring real-world experiences to students so that they can see first-hand the work environments of those who work in the trade or career pathway the student is studying. Historically, this is done by taking students on field trips where they have the opportunity to tour a place of work, such as a welding or fabrication shop, a construction site, a laboratory, a factory, or an auto shop. While there is no substitute for bringing students on location to a job site, technology exists that could augment student site visits and reduce the logistical obstacles that often prevent students from visiting many work sites.

My proposal is to leverage the latest technology in 360-degree cameras to create virtual field trips students can take to experience real-life career job sites.

For further context for this  outline, please take a look at my full Innovation Proposal and Literature Review.


  1. Present idea of creating virtual career-themed field trips to the Assistant Superintendent of Career Readiness to gain approval for dedicating time and resources to this endeavor.
  2. Solicit approval from campus principals of CTE Arts A/V pathways throughout the district to allow students to participate in the 360-degree filming of different career work sites.
  3. Present idea to campus CTE department heads.
  4. Approach Arts A/V teachers about the plan.
  5. Encourage Arts A/V instructors to identify students who would be suitable candidates to work on the project. Ensure that students are knowledgeable about the techniques for 360-degree filming.
  6. Engage business partners from six high-growth, high-demand job sectors about the feasibility of filming at their places of employment. The careers for which we want to find business partners willing to let us film on their job sites are:
    • Automotive
    • Construction
    • Culinary
    • Health Science
    • Manufacturing
    • Maritime
  7. Identify company point-person for day-of filming


  1. Procure equipment necessary for 360-degree filming and editing.
    • The Ricoh Theta V is a good camera at a $400 price point.
    • Possibly a small lighting kit
    • microphone
  2. Schedule filming dates with business partners.
  3. Secure any media release documents that might be necessary on industry job sites.
  4. Schedule off-campus releases for 2-3 student filming crews.
  5. On the day of filming, liaise with identified company point person.
  6. Supervise filming and interviewing.
  7. Communicate with campus personnel when filming has concluded, and students are returning to campus.
  8. Update Arts A/V instructor on the filming shoot and inquire about time required to edit footage.
  9. Receive completed segment from campus Arts A/V team and review.
  10. Either accept or provide recommendations and ask for edits.
  11. Make videos accessible via online repository (department website or app-enabled site such as Google Expeditions).

III. Evaluation

  1. Solicit feedback from stakeholders involved in filming (business partners, students, instructors).
  2. Promote videos to students and parents using all means of effective district communication.
  3. Using web page analytics, monitor the number of times videos were accessed online.
  4. Develop survey to ascertain efficacy of videos.
  5. Distribute survey to students
  6. Based on survey results, modify this plan.

9 thoughts on “Innovation Plan Outline”

  1. Peer Review 1 –

    I am so excited about your project! I think the 6 high growth and high demand job sectors you have chosen are fantastic will appeal to a wide variety of student interests. I recently had the opportunity to work with the Blue Snowball microphone and found it to be a great microphone as compared to some of other microphones attached to headsets that we were using. At about $50, they are not terribly priced. Overall, I love the plan to have the students do a great deal of the work in video creation. After all, they will likely create what they would want to see.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ann, I appreciate your thoughtful comments. I’m familiar with and have access to a Snowball microphone. In addition to the cool way it folds in on itself for storage, it produces great sound recordings. Thanks again for reviewing my outline.


  2. This is a really neat concept. I like that there is the opportunity for an immersive experience with jobs instead of just a plain video. I wonder if there is a way to see the impact on student career choices. Do they pick a career faster, or at the same rate?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mike, I appreciate your thoughtful comments. Tracking students’ place in the workforce following graduation is something we need to get a lot better at. It’s easier to find the students who have enrolled in college. I need to think about a mechanism for tracking these students to see if this project impacts their post-secondary choices in any meaningful way. Thanks again!


  3. Peer Review #4

    Man, you have the details spelled out so well. I was worried about getting in the weeds on my plan by drilling down too deep, but looking at yours I can see that drilling deep is good. Might have to go do some revision…

    Have you looked into Google Cardboard? I have very little experience with it, but it might be worth investigating–turn those 360-degree films into a full-on VR tour.

    Nicely done, sir.

    Liked by 1 person

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